Test your 'Green' knowledge with our 5 minute quiz!
  1. What is the "triple bottom line"?
  2. The Sustainable Endowments Institute rates college commitment to green initiatives based on a) campus sustainability initiatives and b) endowment investment management. What percentage of schools surveyed invest endowment money towards renewable energy initiatives?
  3. Between the years of 2001 and 2008, did the amount of sustainability-related education on campuses increase or decline?
  4. NetImpact is a student & faculty organization, focused on corporate social responsibility. Chapters are hosted by business schools around the world. How many chapters exist?
  5. What is "LEED certification"?
  6. Which U.S. college has the largest green campus organization in the world, consisting of 24 full-time staff and 32 part-time student employees?
  7. What does STARS stand for?
  8. In 2008, The Princeton Review conducted the College Hopes & Worries Survey, completed by over 10,000 college applicants and parents. What percentage of students said colleges' commitment to the environment would positively impact their decision to apply or attend a school?
  9. How many trademarks did the U.S. Patent Office give to names with "green" or "eco" in their title last year?
  10. The Aspen Institute conducts a research survey called "Beyond Grey Pinstripes", highlighting the top 100 business schools committed to social and environmental stewardship. What 4 elements drive the school ratings?

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