Take our 5-minute quiz.
  1. Perhaps the first study of Organizational Leadership (Lewin et al, 1938) identified 3 behavioral leadership styles, which of the following is not one of the styles?
  2. The super leader model of leadership proposed by Afsaneh & Nahavandi in a 2000 paper, does NOT include which of the following characteristics for a leader?
  3. A critic of business school's obsession with teaching of management as a science, this current professor at McGill University is also the co-author of a organizational structure known as an Organigraph.
  4. What are some advantages of a master's degree in leadership program (M.A. or M.S.) as compared to an MBA program focused on leadership?
  5. A more recently emergent theory of leadership holds that IQ scores and other historical qualifiers of "leadership" are not as important as being able to understand yourself and others in the context of varying situations. What is this theory known as?
  6. Which of the following theories of leadership postulates that people will be more focused and motivated if they believe they are capable of high performance, believe their effort will results in desired outcomes and believe their work is worthwhile?
  7. The belief that people are either born or not born with the qualities for successful leadership can be classified as what type of leadership theory?
  8. Which of the following universities, highly rated by U.S. News and World Report, offers and online, 33-credit Master of Science degree in Organizational Leadership?
  9. Which of the following authors argues that leadership that is characterized by personal humility and strong professional will is most likely to lead to great companies?
  10. Leadership is one of the fastest growing academic fields in higher education.

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