Take our 5-minute quiz.
  1. Medical informatics gained popularity in the 1950's. What was the key factor enabling medical informatics to take off during that time?
  2. The earliest use of medical informatics occurred in what field of medicine?
  3. In 2004, the US government formed departments to oversee medical informatics, such as the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) and the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT.) The primary purpose of government involvement in medical informatics is:
  4. Which entity has the largest enterprise-wide health information system?
  5. One of the main purposes of medical informatics is to develop processes for hospitals to maintain medical information and make them as accessible as possible, while also creating venues for hospitals to share information among each other.
  6. While every industry utilizes informatics specialists, why are they particularly important in medicine?
  7. Medical informatics grads are represented among a wide and growing range of environments including:
    I. Hospitals
    II. Health insurance companies
    III. Consulting organizations
    IV. Internet companies
  8. What is considered to be the greatest achievement of bioinformatics?
  9. Increased efficiency, accuracy and intercompatibility in the medical informatics field have led to free access to and use of patient health information.
  10. Where do careers in biomedical and health informatics exist?

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