Best 380 Colleges Quiz
  1. What are the rankings in The Best 380 Colleges based on?
  2. Which ranking list in The Best 380 Colleges was inspired by a college dad?
  3. Home to the Frank Lloyd Wright Water Dome, a fountain featuring 74 nozzles that creates a liquid dome reaching up to 45 feet in height, this school made it on to the "Most Beautiful Campus" list in The Best 380 Colleges:
  4. Which of the following Best 380 Rankings categories is the newest to the 2016 edition?
  5. What green rating score do colleges need in order to make it on the "Green Rating Honor Roll" in The Best 380 Colleges?
  6. Fun fact – What college in the book did the following well known people graduate from: Deborah Norville (television journalist), Ralph Reed (conservative activist), Ryan Seacrest (American Idol host), and Herschel Walker (former NFL running back and Heisman Trophy winner)?
  7. Which Best 380 college is featured on more ranking lists in this year’s edition than any other college?
  8. On which college campus will you find the best food, per The Best 380 Colleges Best Campus Food ranking list?
  9. Of the 20 schools ranked on our Best Athletic Facilities list as part of The Best 380 Colleges, how many have Division I athletic programs?
  10. According to The Best 380 Colleges, if you’re looking for the professors who get the highest marks from their students, which college would you go to?

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